Our Women's Ministry is designed to encourage women to grow in their faith in Christ, to develop and strengthen friendships with other women, and to provide opportunities to serve and reach our community for Christ. Through this ministry we endeavor to meet the spiritual, friendship, physical, and emotional needs of women at Marysville Church of Christ and within our community. Women so often serve in many ways without a committee as such. Below are the Women's Ministry's Committees:
Community Outreach:
Communication sent by Dawn Wright to the church family about helping at the Hope Center.
VBS style Bible classes held on premises or at a designated location.
Card Ministry: Linda Rice - With help from various ladies and the Thursday school crew, Cards are sent via USPS to members, friends and families for birthdays, anniversaries, health, celebrations, thankyous, condolences, etc.
Prayer warriors: Mary Ellen Gale - A group of ladies who pray when they can and where for certain members of the congregation as assigned. The names rotate so all members are actively being prayed for.
- Woman to Woman is a way of matching up women to help each other through trying times, to be a source of strength. Life can be hard with alcohol abuse, death of a loved one, divorce, raising children, cancer, etc. You have a Christian sister to help you through. (2 Cor. 1:3-7)