"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." Jesus- John 13:34-35
The Marysville Church of Christ exists because of the gift of God in His Son, Jesus Christ. We exist because of Him, and for Him. We recognize Jesus as the divine Son of God, our crucified and resurrected Savior, and the head of His kingdom, His church. We are not associated with any denomination or organized religious group and we strive simply to be Christian and we believe that God has a plan for each of our lives.
Let us give you a small glimpse of a typical Sunday morning:
We begin our morning together in Bible Class learning more about the ways of our God. We have Bible classes for all ages. We have Bible classes for children from cradle roll through high school. Our worship services usually last about an hour and 15 minutes. We begin with a time of praise, worship, and prayer followed by weekly communion. Our communion service is open to anyone who wishes to participate. After communion, our younger children can be dismissed to an attended nursery or to Bridge Builders, depending on their ages. After this dismissal, our preaching minister, Jeff Darby, delivers a life-relevant message.
Here are some questions we are frequently asked:
What should I wear? We are a diverse group. Some of us are more comfortable in a suit and tie, while others are more comfortable in jeans and t-shirt. We invite you to come as you are.
Will I know the songs you sing? We sing a variety of "traditional" hymns and "contemporary" praise songs. Songs that appeal to both the young and old. Songs that are worshipful and meaningful. One of the unique things about us is that our worship music is "a-cappella". That is, we sing without the accompaniment of musical instruments. We want everyone to worship God focused on praise to our Heavenly Father (Colossians 3:16)
What is the Lord's Supper? The Lord's Supper is the original way of remembering the sacrifices Jesus made on our behalf. In our desire to follow New Testament teachings, we observe this memorial every Sunday (Acts 20:7). Communion cups, as well as gluten free communion, are to be picked up as enter the sanctuary. During this memorial, the unleavened bread that symbolizes the body of Christ is taken, next the "fruit of the vine" symbolizing the blood of Christ will be taken. (1Corinthians 11:23-25). At Marysville Church of Christ, baptized believers are encouraged and expected to participate in the Lord's Super every Sunday. As a visitor, please do not feel compelled or pressured to partake.
Will I be expected to make a monetary donation? You will not be asked to make a contribution. However, the contributionboxes is in the back of the auditorium to collect the weekly financial offering for members of our church family, many members donate online.
How will I know that it is safe for my child to go to Bible Class without me? We take the safety of our children very seriously. All our children's Bible Class teachers and helpers must pass a background check. We strive to have 2 teachers in each of our children's Bible classes. We hsbr safety training for our children's Bible class teachers. While we are in Bible class or worship, we have a deacon of security stationed in the foyer. We will continue to look for and implement measures in which to keep our children safe.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us marysville.coc.oh@gmail.com