Now Registering for the 2025-2026 Thursday School Year
It is ‘Registration Time’ for the 2025-2026 Thursday School. If you have a child that will be 4 years old by Sept. 30, 2025, contact the church office to register your child. This fall will be our 50th year!! If you need more information concerning Thursday School, please click here or contact the church office at 937-642-9747. Please take note - we have a limited number of spots available, and they fill up fast.
The Unknown God: Discovering the Person and The Power of The Holy SpiritSunday Morning Sermon SeriesJanuary 5 - February 23, 2025
January 5 - The Holy Spirit Within Us - Jesus said that He had to return to Heaven so He could send us the “Comforter” whom we know as the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 3:16 tells us that “God’s Spirit lives within us”. This week, we investigate what exactly it means that He lives “in” us and why Jesus says this is a great gift for us from His Father.
January 12 - Teach and Remind Us - When we consider all that Jesus and the authors of the New Testament tell us about the work of the Holy Spirit within us, an important one is that He teaches us what we need to know and reminds us of what we have learned and experienced. 1 John 2:27 tells us, “The Holy Spirit is able to teach you all things.” What a blessing He is to us.
January 19 - Witness to Us - The promise of the Holy Spirit in our lives, as we saw last week, is that He will teach us what we need to know. But this week, we draw our attention to the fact that in addition to teaching, The Spirit witnesses to us. The difference is that witnessing is providing evidence for what we are learning. John 15:26: “But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, He will bear witness about me.”
January 26 - Convict Us - While we are being changed and transformed to be more and more like Jesus - a key role of the Spirit within us - there are things we need to fix. We don’t know to fix something until someone points it out. Spiritually speaking, that is what conviction is; pointing out the stuff in our life that we need God to fix. The Spirit performs this important job within us. John 16:8 tells us, “...when He (the Spirit) comes, He will convict the world of sin…”
February 2 - Guide Us - As we go through life, there will be numerous times that we will need to make a big decision that has life-changing possibilities associated with it. Isn’t it reassuring to know that God has sent the Holy Spirit to live within us for exactly these moments? We don’t need to rest on our own knowledge or wisdom to choose the right path to take. Isaiah 30:21 says it well, “...your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
February 9 - Glorify God - One of the amazing things about our Triune God is the wonderful way they praise one another. The Godhead is a constant “race to the back of the line” kind of competition to direct all praise and glory off Themselves and onto the Others. The Holy Spirit is actively doing this in our lives. Everyday, He is working within us to bring attention to the wonders of the Father and the glory of the Son
February 16 - Sure of our Salvation - In our lives, one thing seems consistent - that you cannot be sure of anything. Our world is a swirling tempest of change and uncertainty. Every day brings with it a reminder that not much is sure. How sad and empty would life be if this were the extent of it all? But, praise God for this, that is not the life that we are called to live. Thanks to the Spirit within us, our “seal of redemption”, we can know beyond a shadow of a doubt that regardless of what this life tosses our way, regardless of all the schemes of hell - we can be sure of our salvation. This is His job and He takes pride in it!
February 23 - Make us More and More Like Jesus - Everything in this series has been working its way to this topic. All the ways that the Holy Spirit is at work within us culminates in this goal - to be more and more like Jesus every day. The teaching and reminding and convicting and guiding… all of it delivers us to this destination; that we can and will be more like Him day by day. Paul says it well in 2 Corinthians 3:18, “All of us can see the Lord’s glory and think deeply about it. So we are being changed to become more like him … And this glory comes from the Lord, who is the Holy Spirit.”
If you would like to make a donation, you have 3 options:
In Person - There are Donation Boxes located conveniently in our foyer and auditorium in which to place your donation.
By Mail - You may mail your donation to the Marysville Church of Christ, 18077 State Route 31, Marysville, OH 43040
Online - You may make a one time or reoccurring online donation
21 - Men's Card Night - more details later
22 - Ladies' Pancakes & Praise - 9:00 a.m. at the building
25 - Men's Dartball - 7:00 p.m. - bring a snack to share and feel free to invite a friend
28 - Jr. Youth - 6:00-8:00 p.m. - Bowling at Dragon Lanes in Marysville - $10 per person
2 - Spring Quarter Bible Classes begin
6 - Ladies Fellowship at the Crooked Door Studio - 7:00 p.m. - $20 - sign up in the foyer near the coat racks.
15 - Men's Fellowship - Green Eggs and Ham Breakfast - 8:00 a.m. at the building
22 - Men's Go-To-Teams - 7:30 a.m. - meet at the buidling for coffe, donuts, and devo before doing assigned chores.